Thursday 23 February 2012

Crystal O'Future: The Whitney Interview

Crystal O'Future recently held a televised séance for Sky1, during which she contacted the very dead pop legend Whitney Houston. I spoke to her about the show.

Crystal O'Future:
"I'm getting the word... 'crack'."

Attempting to contact Whitney Houston was a big task. What made you want to do it?
Basically, at the end of the day, this is what I do. And from a medium standpoint, it would be a privilege if we could achieve a connection with this recently deceased popbitch. It could help the fans as well. Hopefully she showed them she's happy and not in hell.

Whitney didn't do many interviews when she was alive - what made you think she'd talk to you now?
We couldn't command that Whitney's spirit step forward, as much as I would have liked to have that power over the dead. I'd love to control her ghost any way I want, use it to take care of my enemies and critics; that would be great. However, that ain't gonna happen. But, I just got that spiritual inclination that maybe she would like to do this.

Have you spoken to any of Whitney's family about doing this?
No, I haven't, so I don't know their stance. But I'm 110% sure they would approve. Whitney told me so herself.

Have you tried anything like this before - contacting a dead celebrity?
On a couple of occasions, yes. The first one being in 1998 in Tunstall at a theatre where John Lennon, Donny Osmond and Andy Gibb, the other brother to the Bee Gees, the one no-one mentions anymore, made an entrance, which quite literally shook me out of my skin. Mainly because Donny Osmond isn't even dead yet and his spirit had appeared.

What do you say to Whitney fans who don't like what you've done?
I would say, get over it, bitches, it's already been done. If that doesn't help, then I'd just ignore them.

Someone that's criticised you quite publicly for this is Derren Brown. What do you make of his comments?
That bald bastard is just looking for publicity! He always does it, every time, the fucker. I don't know what his problem is. We are worlds apart - Derren Brown is a tricks-and-japes man. What he does is little more than cheeky tom-foolery. He can't do what I do and I wouldn’t want to do what he does. He's riding the publicity off my back.

Did you prepare yourself for the possibility of being possessed by Whitney's spirit? Could that happen?
If Whitney was capable and she tried to take over my body, I'm not going to object to it. If anything, it would give it more credence that Whitney was there. Just as long as she didn't use my body to smoke off a load of crack.

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