Monday 6 February 2012

Bigfoot To Start "Popping Wheelies"?

It has been revealed that Stoke City Council is in talks about building a BMX track in Central Forest Park.

A group known as 'Friends of Central Forest Park' are behind the move, designed to bring more visitors to the area. It is unknown how much the project will cost, but is unlikely to be less then the £421,000 recently spent on the nearby skateboard plaza. Apropos of nothing, Stoke has one of the highest rates of unemployment of any town or city in England.

What Bigfoot on a BMX might look like

Not everyone is happy with the plan. "They might be Friends of Central Forest Park," said Bigfoot expert, and CEO of the Paul Brown Save Bigfoot Campaign, Paul Brown. "But they are no friends of mine. This can only harm the Bigfoot community living in the park, having to deal with bunches of stoned teenage BMXers every day. And it will do nothing for the smell of the area as well."

Local drug dealer Ken Confessor supports the BMX idea. "It'll bring much needed youngsters into the park. And if those local youngsters could actually afford to buy or own a bike, building this would have been an even better idea."

Hanley youngster Chubb Yale also favours the building of the track. "It's gonna be bangin', yeah," he said. "It'll be all cool an' shit, innit. Me, personally, I prefer the croquet, yeah, but there's not enough shit for da yoof to do around here, so I welcomes it, big time. Now what's a BMX?"

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